イギリスでは永く愛されてきたんだね! フィッシュアンドチップスはイギリスの文化なんだね♪



イギリス国民のソウルフードであり、イギリスの伝統的ファストフードの「フィッシュ&チップス」。 その第一号店が誕生したのは、1860年のロンドンの下町イーストエンドにあった「ジョセフ・マリン」のお店と言われています。19世紀中ごろのイギリスでは、既に魚のフライとポテト・チップスが店舗で販売されていましたが、「ジョセフ・マリン」は、その2つをドッキングさせ、「フィッシュ&チップス」として売り出しました。 折しも産業革命期の労働者は安価で、すぐに食べられ、さらに腹持ちの良い食事を求めており、イギリスの工業化の進行とともに「フィッシュ&チップス」は、広く浸透していきました。

20世紀の初頭、ロンドンには約1200軒のフィッシュ&チップスのお店が存在していたと言われています。フィッシュ&チップスは庶民にとっての最初の外食産業であり、やがて、「庶民の憩いの場」として広く親しまれていきました。1913年には英国国際フィッシュ・アンド・チップス協会 (The British National Federation of Fish Friers) が設立され、フィッシュ&チップスのレシピや調理法が確立されました。第二次世界大戦下でも数少ない配給食糧として市民に提供され、戦後もイギリス国民のソウルフードとして根強い人気を得ています。


History of Fish and Chips ( and Joseph Malin… )

It all began with Joseph Malin.
In 1860 a Jewish immigrant from Eastern Europe called Joseph Malin opened the first Fish and Chip shop on Cleveland Street in London's East End selling fried fish alongside chipped potatoes which, until then, had been found only in the Irish potato shops. In 1968 the National Federation of Fish Fryers even presented a commemorative plaque to Malin's of Bow, recognising their founding role in the chippy business.
However, there is still a lot of debate about whether the first fish and chip shop opened in London by Mr. Malin or by Mr Lee in the North. Our vote goes to Joseph Malin.
It was the mighty industrial revolution that really fostered the Fish and Chip shop business in the UK. 'The arrival of steam for the fleets and the development of icing equipment produced a massive expansion in supplies of cheaper forms of sea fish.' At the same time the working classes saw a general rise in their incomes which left some spare cash for luxuries like the fish supper.
The result was growth. By 1910 there were around 25,000 fish and chips shops in Britain. By 1927, the number peaked to 35,000 and up to two-thirds of the white fish being landed on these shores was ending up in the deep fat fryer. To put this in perspective today there are around 8’500 fish and chips shops in the UK.

Did you know Fish and Chips?知ってましたか?フィッシュアンドチップスって健康食です。

We use 100%, raw, natural ingredients all cooked fresh, on site on the day of purchase so it could be considered a healthy option if enjoyed as a part of a balanced diet;


An average serving of chips contains more than double the fibre found in an average serving of brown rice or bowl of porridge.


A portion of chips contains less fat that a prawn mayonnaise sandwich.


An average portion of battered cod and chips has fewer calories, saturated fat and salt than a cheese and tomato pizza.


Fish and chips have 595 calories in the average portion – an average pizza has 871; large size  Hamburger with fries has 888.


An estimated 229 million portions of fried fish are sold every year in the UK.


Fish and chip shops sell 382 million meals a year, that's six meals from a fish and chip shop for every man, woman and child in the UK.


One in six UK adults enjoys fish and chips once or twice a week.


Vinegar in fish and chip shops tastes different from anywhere else as the majority use a secret recipe.


Did you know Fish and Chips?フィッシュアンドチップスって健康食です。

We use 100%, raw, natural ingredients all cooked fresh, on site on the day of purchase so it could be considered a healthy option if enjoyed as a part of a balanced diet;


An average serving of chips contains more than double the fibre found in an average serving of brown rice or bowl of porridge.


A portion of chips contains less fat that a prawn mayonnaise sandwich.


An average portion of battered cod and chips has fewer calories, saturated fat and salt than a cheese and tomato pizza.


Fish and chips have 595 calories in the average portion – an average pizza has 871; large size  Hamburger with fries has 888.


An estimated 229 million portions of fried fish are sold every year in the UK.


Fish and chip shops sell 382 million meals a year, that's six meals from a fish and chip shop for every man, woman and child in the UK.


One in six UK adults enjoys fish and chips once or twice a week.


Vinegar in fish and chip shops tastes different from anywhere else as the majority use a secret recipe.


当店は、1913年に英国に設立された、英国国際フィッシュ・アンドチップス協会(The British National Federation of Fish Friers)アジア初の正式認証第一号店です。

当店は、1913年に英国に設立された、英国国際フィッシュ・アンドチップス協会(The British National Federation of Fish Friers)アジア初の正式認証第一号店です。